5 Powerful Reasons Your Builder Should be a Member of Homebuilders Association of Vancouver (HAVAN)

I’m often asked by people thinking about building a new home in Metro Vancouver why Larch Construction chooses to be a member of the Homebuilders Association of Vancouver (HAVAN).

When this question was posed to me last week, I decided to give more thought to the question. This post is the result. In it, you will learn 5 powerful reasons your builder should be a member of HAVAN (the Vancouver Builders Association).

1. Membership is a Sign of Professionalism

HAVAN membership is an outward sign of a commitment to professionalism. When a builder invests in membership in HAVAN, they send a message: that they are willing to invest in themselves, their business, and the level of professionalism they exhibit in the building projects they take on. In addition to being an outward sign that a builder is committed to professionalism, quality builders can also be part of a community of other professional firms sharing that same commitment to doing great work.

HAVAN membership enables builders to stay on top of the latest trends in new home construction in Metro Vancouver (and throughout Canada). This is important to anyone who is on the cusp of having a new home built because they should want to work with a builder who has been exposed to new, creative ideas that align with classic building techniques proven to stand the test of time.

3. Educational Opportunities Resulting in Better Builds

HAVAN has a wealth of information available to builders, each with the potential to help member builders to create better, more stunning homes. This is achieved through seminars, newsletters, and other venues which show builders building techniques they have perhaps never before encountered.

4. Gaining a Better Understanding of How to Comply with New Rules & Regulations

One universal truth anyone involved in the building arts learns quickly is that rules and regulations are constantly changing. HAVAN members learn about proposed regulations well before they become municipal or provincial building code, which gives them time to prepare for compliance and – importantly – to understand how rules will be interpreted by regulatory bodies.

5. Shared Experiences Are Powerful Teaching Moments

Finally, Metro Vancouver builders who take the time to interact with other builders are able to learn from other local building experts as well as to teach others valuable lessons they have learned. This shared knowledge can be a powerful opportunity to improve the skill at which new home construction is completed, which results in more customer satisfaction.

The Difference Between Good – and Exceptional – Builders

In 2022, it isn’t enough to simply be a good builder. It is vitally important for your builder to demonstrate that they are an exceptional builder. One way of doing that is by being a member of HAVAN – and by doing fantastic work with every building project they take on.

This is why Larch Construction believes so strongly in maintaining membership in HAVAN and in fully participating in all professional improvement opportunities available.

A Final Thought

The thoughts above are just a few of the details that go into planning custom Vancouver homes that are built to last. There are many pieces of the custom home building puzzle – budgeting, design, planning, building, and many others – that can help you make your Vancouver custom home a reality for you and your family.

When you’re ready to begin a conversation about how Larch Custom Home Construction can be a valuable resource in building your custom Vancouver home, you can reach out to us to get started.

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